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AED Program Management

Maximize Your AED Program with The Compliance Solution

Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees, customers, and visitors is a paramount responsibility for any organization.

Having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on-site is a critical step in preparing for cardiac emergencies, but simply owning an AED is not enough. Compliance with regulatory standards, maintaining up-to-date supplies, and ensuring the device is always ready for use are essential components of an effective AED program.

By purchasing a compliance solution plan, you can streamline these responsibilities, ensuring that your AED is properly managed, compliant with regulations, and always prepared to save a life. Investing in a compliance solution plan protects your organization from potential legal liabilities and demonstrates a commitment to the health and safety of everyone on your premises.

Pick Your Compliance Solution



Monthly Per AED
  • Accutrack Online Program Management
  • Auto Supply Replenishment
  • Post Event Data Download

Most Popular



Monthly Per AED
  • Accutrack Online Program Management
  • Auto Supply Replenishment
  • Post Event Data Download
  • AED Program Policies & Procedures
  • EMS Notification
  • MD/Rx
  • Fast Pass Priority Shipping
  • EMS Notification / Registration



Monthly Per AED
  • Accutrack Online Program Management
  • Auto Supply Replenishment
  • Post Event Data Download
  • AED Program Policies & Procedures
  • EMS Notification
  • MD/Rx
  • Fast Pass Priority Shipping
  • EMS Notification / Registration
  • Annual Site Visit
  • Supply Installation
  • Post Event Loaner

Let's Get Started

AED Compliance Solution FAQs

Why is it important to have a compliance solution plan for my AED?

Having a compliance solution plan is crucial because it ensures your AED is always ready for use in an emergency. The plan helps you stay compliant with local and federal regulations, maintains the AED's functionality through regular checks and supply replenishment, and reduces the risk of legal liabilities associated with non-compliance.

How does a compliance solution plan help in maintaining regulatory compliance?
A compliance solution plan provides systematic management of your AED, including tracking maintenance schedules, updating policies and procedures, and ensuring timely EMS notifications and registrations. This comprehensive approach helps your organization adhere to all necessary regulations, avoiding fines and penalties.
What are the consequences of not having a compliance solution plan for my AED?
Without a compliance solution plan, your AED may become non-functional due to expired supplies or lack of maintenance. This can lead to serious consequences, including the inability to respond effectively during a cardiac emergency, potential legal liabilities, fines for non-compliance, and damage to your organization's reputation.
How does a compliance solution plan demonstrate a commitment to safety?
Investing in a compliance solution plan shows that your organization prioritizes the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors. It reflects a proactive approach to emergency preparedness, ensuring that your AED is always ready to save lives and that you are fully compliant with safety standards and regulations.

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