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Pennsylvania State AED Laws

 Summary of Requirements

Entities acquiring an AED need physician approval and may benefit from a physician medical director. Users must undergo AED training from recognized organizations. While no EMS notification requirements exist, it's advisable to inform relevant authorities. The AED must be maintained as per manufacturer guidelines. In case of use, activate emergency services and provide necessary data to healthcare providers.
Summary of Requirements
AED-Check.jpg Physician Entities purchasing an automated external defibrillator must have
physician approval for AED purchase. State EMS office recommends use of a
physician medical director.
AED-Check.jpg CPR/AED Training Expected AED users shall complete training in the use of an AED provided
by the American National Red Cross or the American Heart Association or
through an equivalent course of instruction approved by the department
of health in consultation with a technical committee of the Pennsylvania
Emergency Health Services Council.
AED-Check.jpg EMS Notification The Pennsylvania State EMS Office recommends notifying the regional EMS
council and local EMS providers and/or local 911 centers of the
implementation of an AED.
AED-Check.jpg Maintenance Program

The defibrillator must be maintained and tested according to the manufacturer's operational guidelines.

AED-Check.jpg Notification of Use A user of an AED must utilize available means to immediately contact and
activate the emergency medical services system. Any appropriate data or
information must be made available to emergency medical services
personnel or other health care providers as requested.

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Good Samaritan Protection
Rescuer Purchaser Property Owner Physician Trainer
AED-Check.jpg AED-Check.jpg AED-Check.jpg AED-Check.jpg AED-Check.jpg

42 PA.C.S.A. § 8331.2 - 2012

Provides Good Samaritan protection for use of an AED and establishes guidelines for AED programs.

Laws / Legislation
Date Summary
24 P.S. § 14-1423 2014 Sets guidelines for AED programs in schools. Including the fund receiving policies for schools with the intent on acquiring and maintaining an AED.
73 P.S. § 2174 2012 Sets guidelines for AED programs in health clubs.
SB 351 2011 Extends Good Samaritan law and requires entities acquiring AEDs to properly maintain them.
HB 1525 2011 Requires that health clubs with services offered during nonstaffed hours be equipped with an AED, panic button, emergency phone, and personal security device.
55 PA. Code § 2800.96 2011 Outlines AED requirements for assisted living facilities.
HB 2778 2010 Requires hotels to provide and maintain AEDs.